
The Total Oriental Food Store is located in /under the old " SAIGON MARKET" sign along the left side of the WalMart store off of Old Wake Forest Rd in (North) Raleigh at 1629 #105 Ronald Dr. Raleigh NC 27609.
Tel; 919-878-9377
FAX 919-874-6250
Total Oriental Foods and Gifts features an expanded inventory of products and the helpful services of our friendly staff in assisting our customers.

We carry a large selection of Asian products including "freshly delivered" fruits and vegetables,including Bean Sprouts and Tofu.

Many of these fresh products aren't found in other area stores.

We also search the wholesale market for quanity purchase prices and special items and pass these savings on to our customers in the way of individual item or case lot savings.

We offer discount prices on case lot items and we will also special order by the case and or pallet for you ( some items will require a deposit and an advance order notice depending upon our inventory on hand and shipping locations );


We have single and double burner stoves for sale that utilize disposable and refillable gas tanks.
These are great to have on hand and use when your power has been lost.
( They are also good to use for cooking fish etc. outside the house )
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We would like to recommended the online posted Recipe Books:
Thai Recipes;
Chinese Recipes;
Vitnamese Recipes;
Vietnamese Recipes
Burma Recipes;
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Our rice is sold in 5 lb to 100lb bags. We offer, white, brown, red & black rice. We are one of the few stores in the Raleigh area that also offer 100 lb bags of rice.
Many times the bag has a tag on in that reads New Crop and the year Example New Crop 2012.
Basically all this means to the average consumer is that the New Crop ( early months of 2012 would only apply ) has more moisture in it and will take just a little less water to cook than an older bag of rice that is marked 2011 Crop for example.
The best way to judge how much of an adjustment is needed in the water to use is to cook a small pot from your newly purchased bag, and then adjust water accordingly.
The key to cooking good rice of course is in having a good " Rice Cooker"

If no rice cooker a good rule of thumb is to cover the rice with water until it is one ( first finger) knuckle over the top of the dry rice.
( If cooking in a regular pot add rice and water , bring the water to a boil until most of the water is gone, stir, then cover the pot with a tight lid and let sit for 5 minutes prior to uncovering. If rice is still wet stir the rice and then return cover and let sit another few minutes.
If using a rice cooker follow the instructions on the cooker and adjust water as needed ( old or new crop). ( Most cookers call for 2 cups of cold water for each cup of dry rice)
The instructions for cooking a NEW RICE CROP is basicly 1 Cup of water for each cup of rice. For older rice it is up to 2 cups of water for each cup of rice,
(We sell top brand Rice Cookers)Depending upon what your cooking you will want to buy the long grain Jasmine Rice,Broken Rice or the Sweet Rice.Sweet Rice is really a "sticky rice" after being cooked and it used in a lot of Thai dishes. We offer instructions and pots & bamboo baskets for cooking sweet( sticky) rice .
Take note that if you are cooking rice often the purchase of a high quality rice cooker in not only a good investment but it will result in a great finished product.
We recommend the " Kohuho Rose Brand" for sushi.
REMEMBER ; Sweet Rice( Sticky Rice) is also cooked differently than the typical long grain Jasmine rice found in most restaurants. We offer items needed to cook "Sweet/Sticky Rice)
Broken Rice is used in many soup dishes.
WE don't recommend the use your regular rice cooker for cooking Sweet Rice, this can cause it to burn out.
Note; We carry over 20 brand/labels of rice so decide on a brand and try it.
It will depend upon your own individual taste and aroma impressions of the brand/label if you like it.
Don't worry about trying a new brand or labeled rice bag.
We cook and sample out most all new rice " brands" prior to buying and selling to our customers.
Also take note that in many cases the new brand can be sold cheaper because the new company is trying to break INTO THE LOCAL MARKET .
We also continue to search for new sources of wholesale supplies and in doing so we can get lower purchase prices and pass them onto our customers.
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Did you know? That in the US the major rice producing states are Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Missouri.
Almost half of the U.S. rice crop is exported to over 100 countries.
There are thousands of different varieties of rice (Oryza sativa).
At the International Rice Research Institute Genetic Resources Center in the Philippines, there are 80,000 rice samples in cold storage.
Rice is grown on every continent except Antarctica.
One seed of rice yields more than 3,000 grains.
Rice is the highest yielding cereal grain and can grow in many kinds of environments and soils, which is why it is grown everywhere.
USA Rice Federation www.usarice.com 50% of all the world's rice is eaten within 8 miles of where it is grown.
Rice, millet, and sorghum are thought to be the first crops ever cultivated.
Rice has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.
Rice was introduced to Japan sometime before 100 B.C. from China or Korea.
According to Shinto belief, the Emperor of Japan is the living embodiment of the god of the ripened rice plant, Ninigo-no-mikoto.
In the late 20th century, the world rice crop averaged between 800,000,000,000 and 950,000,000,000 pounds annually and was cultivated on an average of about 358,000,000acres.
More than 1 billion people throughout the world are actively involved in growing rice.
Americans eat a little more than 20 pounds of rice per person each year.
Asians eat as much as 300 pounds per person each year, while in the United Arab Emirates it is about 450 pounds, and in France about 10 pounds.
The North Carolina History of Rice: http://www.foodreference.com/html/art-rice-history.html
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Lets try to keep this simple.
We feature over 50 brands of tea in our store from a few dollars to over $30.00.
In addition to the popular " Green Tea" we feature Herbal Tea, OLang Tea, Jasmine Tea, Ginger Tea, Dieter's Tea, Health Tea,Black tea, etc.
Basically all "tea" ( not herbs) comes from the same plant.
You can buy it from a few dollars a box to hundreds of dollars a pound.
It is sold loose and or in " tea" bags.
The typical tea served in most Asian restaurants is Green Tea ( made in a large pot) and it is then served at the table in a small pot.( Most casual tea drinkers use a tea bag so as to control their individual taste)
NOTE: Please don't insult the tea by adding cream or sugar.
Making and serving tea the formal " Oriental Way" is an art that one must learn. More About Tea: http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/food-recipes/tea-facts
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